Tax Compliance

We assist you in meeting tax obligations and annual period which covers all types of taxes. The output of these services is the calculation and reporting to the tax office, in the form of individual income tax return period of Article 21/26, Article 22, Article 23/26, Article 25, Article 4 (2), VAT, and Corporate Income Tax and also Personal Income Tax.

Tax Administration

Helping your company in dealing with tax administration to effectively and efficiently. These services include, among other things, registration and revocation of Tax Payer Identification Number, request for confirmation and registration number of the Taxable, request to carry out their accounts in foreign languages and foreign currency, the application of VAT centralized administration, application tax clearance, the petition inaugural Non Effective Tax Payer, and others.

Tax Review

This service aims to assess your company’s tax compliance and calculate the potential taxation of all corporate activities. Compliance review is usually required in the event that the company intends to sell its shares in the stock exchange, merged with another company, the dissolution and other purposes.

Tax Planning

To minimize the tax burden, we assist you in planning to increase tax efficiency. Here we find the best alternative form of tax savings. The policies and alternative selection decision of course should be in line with your business plan.

Tax Audit Assistance

Annual tax returns submitted over payment absolute examined by tax authorities, and tax returns that claimed loss no more pay came in a routine audit criteria. Besides these two things, many things have the potential to do inspection of tax. If the company or even you as an Individual Tax Payer because of certain reasons checked by tax authorities, we provide assistance in the form of mentoring or represent you or your company during the review process takes place. This is to prevent the issuance of tax assessment letter larger than necessary because of failure to show proper accounting process and supporting documents completed.

Tax Dispute

You may appeal the tax assessment letter, and pleased for reduction of administrative penalty tax collection letter. You also can file an appeal or a claim to the Tax Court and / or the Supreme Court if your objection or request was not granted at the Regional Office. We are here to assist you in resolving this dispute. We act as a companion or your representative. The purpose of this ministry to ensure a strong enough tax disputes to be resolved.


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.


Business in usa ?

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Taxation Expatriates

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Transfer Pricing

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Business in usa ?

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Taxation Expatriates

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Transfer Pricing

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.

Mary Crisbrown

Budget Analyst

Budget Analyst

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetur scelerisque m tempor nulla faucibus tae. Lorem ipsum dolor…


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetur scelerisque m tempor nulla faucibus tae. Lorem ipsum dolor…


Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natonatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus…

Wilsson John

Finance Manager

Finance Manager

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natonatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus…


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetur scelerisque m tempor nulla faucibus tae. Nam lacinia ipsum…

Newman Clarcson

Accounting Clerk

Accounting Clerk

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natonatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus…


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.

Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.